
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Facial scrub review

Yesterday in the mail i got from johnson and johnson was a facial scrub that i have to test. i love being a part of survey site where not only do i do surveys but i get to test things to.  So with this facial scrub it came with a paper stating if you were allergic to any of the ingredients to not use and write them. well last night i used it and omg i love it and cant wait to find it. smells like oranges to me. i love the way it came out of the bottle. it was a white formula that had little orange beads i wet my face then applied the facial scrub. Once it was on i felt the scrub working and doing it's magic. I left it on while i washed my hair when i was done with my hair i rinse the scrub off my face. It left my face smooth and soft.

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