
Tuesday, October 7, 2014


 I participated in the Mary Lambert Heart On My Sleeve album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided a free album to review.  When i got this mission i have never heard of Mary lambert.  after downloading her album i listen to all the tracks. I was blow away with how much i like it. I think she really speaks out to girls who are over weight and struggling with alot of stuff. She is really pretty and her songs are super catchy also she has a beautiful voice.  I think she had a lot of fun making this album you can hear it in her lyrics.  I really like track number four about the poem dear one. it is really touching and gave me chills. I cant wait till this comes out in stores i would really love to have the actual cd for my car. Out of all the tracks i have to say i really like number one,six. the best minus the poem on track four. to be completely honest out of all the tracks my least favorite is number 3 rib cage just isnt my style.  I think everyone should give her a chance and listen to her she may be your next favorite singer. Her album hits stores October 14th 2014. It will also be on Itunes and Amazon for those who want it to their ipod or mp3 player. I will list the links below along with her twitter, youtube and facebook. Also will include a photo of her album cover so you know what to look for. #heartonmysleeve #o2o


Here is her website,twitter,facebook and youtube.

*Official Mary Lambert Website –
*Twitter –  @marylambertsing
* YouTube –
*Facebook –

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