
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Betta Bridges Pets Liquid Glucosamine For Dogs

My poor chihuahua who is 5 years old hurt her leg so bad that we took her to the vet and found out she tore her ACL is the best way most people understand it but in dog turns it's the canine cruciate ligament. She was given pain medicine and was told to keep her off her leg for 8 weeks. They wanted us to have her seen by a specialist and have the surgery done. After speaking with the specialist it just was not in our budget. Before anyone jumps down my throat we love our dog to death but sadly we just could not blow that kind of money. So my husband an i did ton of research and found out we could get her a brace made to help her. So that is what we did. I started giving her the glucosamine in pill form.  Well she hated it would not take it on her own. We tried everything from cheese to the doggie pill pockets. Nothing was working she would always eat around it and leave the pill. So i finally was doing peanut butter for about 3 months and it was working till finally she caught on and that was a no go anymore. 

Moving on to me having to shove this pill down her throat i hated doing it but she needed it. So when i was asked to review this product i was all over it. Let me tell you what she has been using it for a week now and she is back to acting like normal with her brace and all. I was so happy there is no more issues of her fighting me to take it. Let me tell you more about the product. 

First off when using this product give the right dose once per a day depending on your dogs weight. Shake it well before each dose. My dog gets a 1/4 tea spoon size serving and i add it right to her food or you can even add to the water. With this one once you open it you must put it in the fridge to keep it good. it comes in a 8oz bottle with a screen off lid.  It has all kinds of good ingredients in it such as Honey, Coconut oil, Vitamin C, and much more. I am very happy with this product and when she runs out of it i will be buying more. If you would like to get this for your dog head on over to amazon and grab this you wont be sorry. 

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