
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Easy@Home 10 Ovulation Tests Plus 2 early Pregnancy

I received theses for free for in exchange for a honest review which is what i am going to give you. I was so tickled pink when getting the chance to review theses. My husband and I are trying for a baby and sadly it has not been working out the way we want.  So let me jump right into this review.

First off it comes in a gorgeous box on the front says Ovulation test kit. Near the bottom it says 10 ovulation test and 2 pregnancy test. I really love how this gives you two pregnancy tests. On the side It says how to use it for those who don't know let me go into that. For this test you can do it two ways. First way is you will  want to pee into a sanitized cup. Then dip the absorbent tip into it and hold it for 3 seconds. Or you can simply hold it while you pee for 10 seconds but make sure to get enough urine on it. Then you would wait 5 minutes.

The test will begin to work. Once it's done you will see 2 dark lines means you have a LH surge. Only one line or two but one is faded means no LH surge.

When i used theses i tracked my ovulation cycle to the dot. Then tested each morning I got 2 good days that I had a strong line so we baby danced both nights. Moving on the pregnancy test is pretty easy to use also you would do the same steps as i mentioned above. You will wait 3 minutes this time if you are pregnant it will have two lines if you are not it will only have one line in the control window.

I did use 4 ovulation tests but only had two say i was ovulating. Since i have irregular periods my period is never on time so i figure when it was three weeks i would test so  I did use the pregnancy test but came back negative. So we will try again next month with the remaining tests. I really do like theses they are light weight and very nice to use. The packaging was another super cute thing to me. If you would like to snag this up head on over to Amazon and get them for yourself i know i will be buying more when i run out.

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