
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Loop Exercise Bands

Have you been hurt in a accident or going through physical therapy? If you answered yes to either of those questions then keep reading more to know about this amazing product.

Inside this package is a mesh bag that holds the bands also has a paper that has important information along with how to use them. Inside the bag is three bands a black one, yellow and blue. The blue is medium is loose and a lot easier to use. The yellow is light i would say this one is for beginners it is super loose not much to it.  I would say if you are going to use theses types of bands for the first time start off with yellow and move forward with the colors. Moving on the black is heavy this is for more advance users it's a lot more thicker and harder to use. 

You can use theses bands for your legs,knee's, even your arms. When i first got theses i was all excited to help my hip and knee heck even my arms. I used the yellow band for 3-5 times stretching as a warm up. Once i felt i was ready i really got into working out with them i did it for about 5 minutes. That gave me 12 reps of it.  Once i was done i rested for 30-60 seconds then i moved on to the next band. I kept doing this till i got to the black but to be honest the black was a little to hard for me.  

I will keep using theses bands to help me out. I would suggest theses to everyone i know who likes to work out or heck even owns a gym theses would be a great asset to it. If you would like to get a pair head on over to amazon.

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