
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Easy@Home branded 100 Ovulation (LH) and 20 Pregnancy (HCG) Test Strips, the reliable Ovulation Predictor Kit Combo (100 LH + 20 HCG Tests

Well my husband and I have been trying for a baby for a while now and nothing seems to be working. We cant swing fertility treatments so when i was asked to review theses for free in exchange for a honest review i was all over it.

They come in two boxes there is 100 ovulation test and 20 pregnancy test. I was so excited to try theses i thought they were the sticks and they aren't they are the strips that is my bad i over looked it.  I am still really happy with them. To use theses ones you will need to pee in a cup and then open the test strip and dip it in the cup with the arrow pointing downwards towards the urine. Hold it there for 3 seconds then take it out. Place it on a clean flat surface and wait 3 mins for results. Inside the box came with a manual if you are unsure how to use them. It shows you positive negative  and invalid.

Another thing i really liked about theses tests were inside the manual had a cheat sheet of cycle days and when to begin testing. for example if your cycle is 28 days you would start testing on day 12.  When using theses I was blown away how they picked up on me. What i mean is i have used a lot of ovulation tests and they all said negative so i figured something was wrong with me. No doctor could see why it wasn't working on tests. So once i tried theses i could finally track when i was ovulating. I had 4 days where i had dark lines and we baby danced. Sadly i did not get pregnant but we are going to keep trying. I really like theses and have suggested them to several people who are trying to get pregnant and struggle with other tests like i did. The pregnancy tests are the same as the ovulation tests expect instead of waiting 3 minutes for a result you would wait 5 minutes.  I did not get a positive pregnancy test this cycle but we are going to try again.  If you would like to snag theses up for yourself head on over to amazon.

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