
Monday, May 4, 2015

PREMIUM Derma Roller - 1.0 mm 540 Needles

The petunia skincare derma roller has 540 needles and is 1.0mm. It comes in a nice box that you could keep to store it in but don't have to.

Before you use this pour rubbing alcohol into roller container and submerge roller. Let both sit for 5 minutes.  Then pour out the rubbing alcohol and run it under hot water. Then fill sink with hot water and add a tablespoon of bleach. Then place both items and let sit for 5 more minutes.  Last step take it out and rinse with cold water and then dry it off and put the roller back in it's container. You should clean your roller ever 3-4 sessions.

Inside this box was one roller and one container to keep it in. If you do not know what this is for let me tell you. The derma roller stimulates collagen, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, cellulite reduction and helps tighten and tone skin. Also reduces enlarged pores and helps improve the appearance of scars. If your skin is irritated do not use this.  Before using this on your skin make sure it is dry and clean. Roll it back and forth with a steady motion with a slight pressure. After i was done using this i applied moisturizer. I suggest doing this before bed that way if your skin is red or sore no one will see it. I did get this for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review. If you would like to get one head on over to amazon.

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