
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Muscle Stick Massage Tool By Naturo Fitness 18 Inch

Have you ever been in so much pain from working out or heck just over doing walking. Well i have there has been several times i am asking my husband for a back rub due to hurting. Well i have looked at theses muscle sticks for a while and thought well i really don't need it. But lately my husband has been working long hours and i thought to myself i will just get one. After spending hours searching amazon i found one that i liked.

This muscle stick is 18' long. and has two rubber handles which fit perfectly in my hands. It is super light weight even in one hand. To use this stick is super simple you will just add a little pressure and then just roll it.  I used this for about 5 minutes and it really works i was shocked.  We now call this the magic stick in my house. I would suggest this to anyone i know who has knots or stubborn muscles that ache. I did get this for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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