
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Snug Baby Monitor for Smartphones and Tablets with Free App (Apple/Android)

You can use this monitor to watch your dogs or keep an eye on your house. Doesn't always have to be used for babies. But this is a new hot thing for babies. You can use this with smart phones or a tablet with the free app.

This is worth every penny on amazon.  This is super simple to set up and you hook it up to your wifi at home you can see and hear audio. You can also set it to set off alarms to let you know what's going on. I was blown away with this camera for at night time how clear the picture was. You can rotate this to turn all the way around or up and down to get the right angle.  You can either take a picture or video.  I love how at night time it's not fuzzy like some camera so you see a full picture. Inside the box comes with everything you need to hook this up minus the app. You will need to download that to your phone or tablet. It is on android or apple.  You can also insert a micro sd card to save onto so your not using up all your space on phone.  If you choose not to run this off of wifi you can use 3g or 4g.  When you hook this up you will need to add the device and enter the camera id into the app. I did get this for free in exchange for a unbiased review.

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