
Thursday, October 15, 2015

ZiLu_ Milano 6400mAh Premium Power Portable Charger external battery pack

I love portable battery packs. When i am out and about i like to use them for the ipad, phone, tablet to charge when we are on the go.  This external battery pack is rather heavy than some of the others i own but that is okay.  This battery pack will work with tons of different electronics.  I do got to say when using this one it doesn't get hot like some of the others.

To use this battery pack you will need to charge it up first. Inside the box it comes with the usb cord you will need. You can either charge this via computer or if you have a usb adapter laying around use that to the wall. When i charged mine i used a usb adapter i have.  When this is charging the led lights will blink to let you know it's working. When it's fully charged the led lights will no longer be blinking. This battery pack took about 8 hours to charge the first time. After that it will only take 3 hours. On top of this battery pack is four led lights. Four lights mean it's fully charged. Three lights mean you more than 75% left. Two lights means you have 50% left. One light means you have 25% left and one and half means 10% and  no lights means well it's dead charge it. You can get this battery pack on amazon. I did get this for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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