
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Gulp Beer Tower Drink Dispenser | 118 lf oz Beer Dispenser by bar@drinkstuff

My husband loves theses beer tubes. He wanted one for christmas so bad.  I found this one on amazon.  We had a ball with this on thanksgiving.

Inside the box was the base the tube and lid.  Open it up and wash the tube i washed it with warm water and a mild soap. Then kept filling it till it ran clear.  Then you just twist it and snaps into the base.  Then fill it up and put the lid on and enjoy it.  When we filled it we used bud light cans since it's holiday season the cans were smaller. It took 14 cans to fill it up. We all had a ball with this it was such a big hit at a friends house. Only thing i didn't like about this was there was no way to keep your beer cold. I think they should add something to it. We just kept using frozen glasses from the freezer.  This is made really well and i was surprised how well it works.  My husband loves it. I did get this for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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