
Monday, November 9, 2015

HSS Cute Dog Front Carrier Pet Backpack Dog Legs Out Mesh Cat Bag(pink and Small)

When i saw this on amazon i thought this would help me out a lot. I have a chihuahua who always wants me to carry her around. Sometimes i have things i have to get done and cant carry the dog. So when i saw this i got it.

It comes in a plastic wrapping i took it out and adjusted the straps. What i love about this is you can wear the straps normal or you can criss cross them. They have a buckle on the end you can undo. The harness it's self is made out of a soft cotton material. It has two zippers on either side and also two sets of snaps. The easy way of putting your dog in this is to pick them up tuck their tail through the back. Then put back feet through the right holes. Then i flipped my dog and had her stand on the couch i put her front two paws in the holes and then i zipped it and did the snaps. Once she was in it i put it on as you will see in the photo below. She will not fall out of this. I will say my chihuahua is the runt of the litter so she is small but the around the shoulder part did seem a bit snug.  Once she was in it at first she was not happy but after a couple of minutes she was fine.  I did get this for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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