
Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I love taking a bath after a long hard day. I always add bath salts and bubbles or ill use a bath bomb. It really helps me relax. Well i ran out of bath salts and wanted to try something new so i found theses lavender ones on amazon so i figured those would be nice because lavender is calming.

When i got this i was blown away i didn't think it would be this big. It comes in a black tub that is 16 oz. It has a screw off lid and then you will need to remove the safety seal i threw mine away. It was just paper feeling to me. Once i removed it i got a good smell of the bath salts and they are very strong and i couldn't wait to use it. So i ran to the tub and filled it up and i put in a 1/4 cup as i have a huge tub. You can put as little or as much in your water as you want. You can also wait till they dissolve or get in right away. I waited for them to dissolve.  I got in and was in the tub for an hour because i was so relaxed i didn't want to move. I did get theses for for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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