
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Culinaire Ollie Frozen Fruit Ice Cream / Frozen Yogurt and Dessert Maker - Black / Silver

I have been wanting a yogurt making for a couple years now. My husband and I could never decide on one. Finally i picked this one.

It doesn't take long to get. You can keep the box to store it in while not using it but i didn't i have a shelf in my kitchen where i put all my kitchen gadgets.  I took this out of the box and washed all the pieces i needed to. Then let them air dry. Once it was dry i put it together.  That day i went to the store and bought strawberries and banana's. I washed them and peeled the banana's. I then stuck them in a bowl and put in the freezer. In the manual it said fruit has to be frozen.

It said it had to be frozen for 12 hours. So the next day we tried it out. I plugged it in and turned it on then slowly fed the banana's and strawberries through. At first it was a bit tricky to get it to come out but finally started to. My husband said it looked like a terd. So of course i went lovely.  Once it was done I shut it off then went and enjoyed the super yummy frozen yogurt. Then i went back to the kitchen took it apart and started to wash it. I will say when taking it apart be careful not to cut yourself on the blade inside. This would make a great gift to anyone who loves frozen yogurt.

I did get this for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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