
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Natural Bamboo

I got this product for my husband work boots. I don't know about you guys but my husband is an ac mechanic and with us living in florida he sweats a lot. So when comes home and takes off his boots i about die. I love him to death but omg. I tried everything from powders to sprays nothing works. I have thrown out boots and gotten him new ones because it has gotten so bad. Well i am here to tell you this stuff works like a charm.

It comes two to a pack which is great one for each shoe.  All i did was take theses out of the plastic then slipped them into his shoes. When he got home. The next morning the odor was not as strong. We have been sticking it in his shoes at night for a week now. The smells is gone i mean i am here to tell you i stuck my nose up to his shoe and there is no odor. I will admit i was scared to stick my nose there but i was blown away with how this worked. I want to get more and stick them everywhere. I mean the car trunk, closet, laundry room. I think theses would be great for anyone who is battling with odors.

I did get theses for  a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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