
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hardwood Activated Charcoal Powder, Large 8 Oz. Very Fine, From USA Hardwood. Food Grade, Natural Teeth Whitener, Detoxifier

I have heard of so many people talking about this stuff. That it does miracles that i had to try it. I got it to whiten my teeth. As i struggle with whitening products on the market. They always hurt my gums and teeth since they are so sensitive.

I suffer from gingivitis so bad and have for a while. The dentist use to always tell me to brush my gums till they bleed. I did but it runs in my family. I thought why not give this a product a run for it's money. It's not bad priced for the amount you get. Once i got it i opened the bag. I will tell you to be careful as this stuff goes everywhere. Do not get it on your clothes. I put a couple spoon fulls into a small Tupperware container.  I leave that in the bathroom.  I grabbed a new tooth brush as i didn't want to ruin the one i had in case it stains. So what i did was got my tooth brush wet dip it into the container i had on the bathroom sink.  Then i brushed my teeth and gums with this. I brushed for 5 minutes for a week straight. I can all ready see the difference. My gums aren't as red and sore as they were. My teeth look a like whiter. This product has saved me $800 in dentist fees. It truly works for what i got it for. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to whiten their teeth without harsh chemicals.

I did get this for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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