
Monday, March 21, 2016

Babrit Family Pie Face Game with Kids Great Fun

When i first saw this game online i wanted it. We searched for months and couldn't find. Finally it hit the usa and we had to have it.

I baby sit a 9 year old and we are always playing board games. So one day i said to him if you finish your homework on time i have a new game. He looked so happy so after i checked his homework. I went to the fridge and got whip cream. I then sit up the pie face game. He looked at me like i was crazy. I said okay this is how you play. You will need to place your chin on the chin piece. Your face through the opening. You will flick the wheel and whatever it lands on is how many times you have to turn the handles. So he landed on 4 and it didn't go off. I was like oh great when it's mine turn i will surely get nailed. Well i was right and we laughed so hard. We played 4 rounds of this then i made dinner. When his mom came home he told her how she needed to play this game and how he wants it. She asked me about it said let him tell you. So he went on to tell her and she hit a one and boom got hit her son was laughing so hard and so was she. This is a great game to play with the family even if you are in a bad mood it will surely turn it around very fast.

I did get this game for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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