
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hater's Going to Hate.

You want to sit here and bash me then go right ahead i am a strong outgoing women who  will not be brought down with your negativity.   I have been through so many up's and down's. I have met some amazing people who I can now call friends. Those who talk behind my back can just kiss my ass while your back there. I don't have the time to sit here and pay attention to you. You want to sit here and blast me on Facebook to people go ahead because you know what I live in the real world where i don't need Facebook to survive.  You want to down vote and get my amazon account shut down go ahead because there is more to life than reviewing.

I work hard for everything i have. I have been a student, daughter, vet tech, photographer. I have come so far in my life. I am not going to sit here and let all this hate bring me down. I am 30 years old and yes you tell me each and every day how i don't have kids and i shouldn't review kids things. Well hunni here it is in black and white. I know several people who are and they make great gifts. No where says you are GOD of reviewing. If i want to review a baby item or heck kids toys i will. Doesn't mean i cant give a honest review.  For those who call me a bitch why thank you. You know bitch stands for Beautiful individuals that create haters.  Well over the past 2 years boy i have created a ton. Not once have i ever lied to anyone. If i don't like you i will say it to your face if i can. If i cant i will remove you from my life no need to keep you here.

Moving on to the next chapter in my life we are working on us getting healthy and taking next step into having kids. I don't need to air everything that goes on in my life on Facebook to get attention like someone people i know.  If you don't like me well there is a delete button and i would like each and everyone of you to do so now.

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