
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Peaktop - Teal Glazed Pot Floor Fountain with LED Light for Outdoor Décor, 15.3 By 15.3 By 17 Inch

I love water fountains and when i saw this one i wanted it for my front porch.  The color of it and the way it worked i was sold.

When I first got this I was worried it was going to be super heavy and to be honest i could pick it up with no issues at all. It's light weight. The backside has a big opening where you can put the motor in. This does come with everything you need to get it working minus the water of course.  First thing i did was set this on my kitchen table so i could hook the pump up to the water tube that was on the inside. Then i hooked up the two lights. When adding water for the first time i used 4 bottles of water. I started to pour the one in the top and then i plugged the pump in and it was making a super loud noise. I unplugged it and added more. Still did the same thing. The manual it comes with doesn't make sense. So after a while i poured the water down the middle and then plugged it in and it started to work. When this is on it's somewhat quite if that makes sense. I love it and it will be sitting outside. It says you can use it for inside or outside. But i noticed that it leaks a bit. So i am using it outside.

I did get this for a discounted rate in exchange for a unbiased review.

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