
Friday, April 8, 2016

Beauty Box Giveaway

I am wanting to get more followers on my blog. So i decided i would give away a beauty box. Inside is all brand new items.   If you would like to enter please follow the instructions. If you don't follow directions your entries will be deleted.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love to win , because i love make up and as a mom of 4 lately here i haven't done much wearing make up , would be great to get some new goodies... and who doesn't like surprises haha , Thanks for the chance.

  2. I would love to win because my 14 year old daughter and I live in a household of men....there are six of them and two of us. Therefore, we don't get many goodies not involving sports, etc.

  3. Make sure you guys follow the blog too. on right hand side :)

  4. I would love to win because I haven't had new makeup in years. I am a single mom of three kids so it is not a priority even though I love it! Thanks for the chance!

  5. I would love to win because it looks like some great stuff in that box & I followed all the steps you asked us to in order to enter! Good Luck to Everyone!

  6. I would like to win because I don't get the chance to spend much of anything on me. I spend what I do make while on medical leave on my daughter, who is a special needs kid. She has always come first to me followed by other family members like my mum and such. I have always put myself last, as I try to take care of everyone I love and care about first. It would be nice to win something that would be just for me.
