
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Nature Creation Menstrual Cramps Reliever - Relaxing and Soothing (Pink Hearts)

Lately my time of the month have been down right horrible. Before i could just ignore it and blow it off. Well when you suffer with cysts on your ovaries it gets rather painful. The only thing i find that helps is hot baths. So i got on amazon to find something else so i am not always using water.

After searching i came across this and thought you know what i love this for several reason but the main two were the color. haha i love pink and that it has a velcro and can go around your back and stay in place. So if you need to get up it wont budge.  You can use this either hot or cold.  When i got it i took it out of the bag and it smells amazing.  It has 11 herbs and grains to help with relaxation.  If you want to use this for hot therapy.

You will need need to put it in the microwave. Since my microwave is really high on volts or watts not sure how you want to say. But it makes things super hot. So i only stuck it in for 30 seconds and it was hot enough for me to use. It lasted for a couple hours on just one heat cycle. Now if you want to use it on cold i would suggest sticking it in a zip lock bag then laying it flat in the freeze for an hour before you plan on using it. I did not try this on cold as hot seems to work a thousand times better.

You can also use this if you pull something in your lower back so i think this has many amazing features.

I did get this for free in exchange for a unbiased review.

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