
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hand Exercise Squeeze Balls - Set of 3 - Grip Strengthener - Stress and Typing Relief (3)

I suffer from carpal tunnel bad.  I have done all kinds of stuff to help ease it but nothing seems to work. The last doctor i saw wanted to do surgery but i just don't want it because i have talked to several people who have had more issues after doing that.

Theses hand exercise balls come in a pack of 3. They are in a plastic casing you could keep them in when your not using them.  Yellow is soft i would suggest starting off on that one once you feel it's to easy move on to the pink which is medium and last but not least is the blue which is hard. I am still on yellow as my hand is bad. But since using theses i can admit i have not had to wear my brace in about a week also no sharp pains.

Theses squeeze balls are in the shape of a egg so they fit very well in my hand since i have smaller hands.  Theses are great little balls to help relieve stress or help with hand injuries. I would suggest this to anyone i know.

I did get theses for free in exchange for a unbiased review.

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