
Thursday, October 6, 2016

space saver bags

Lately my closet where i store towels, sheets and blankets looks like something has exploded. I have been looking for a way to store this a lot better.

A friend told me about space saver bags. I figured i would give it a try. Once i got theses i opened the bag right away. Theses bags are huge. I washed a bunch of sheets because i have noticed when they are in the closet they start to get musky. No one wants to put musky sheets on your bed when you have to sleep on them. After my sheets were washed and dried i put them in the space save bag. This bag could hold several pairs of sheets. For right now i only put one in the bag as i wait for the rest to dry. I then pulled out the vacuum and sucked the air out of the bag. This takes literately a few seconds.  I like how the bags are big enough to fit several pairs in.  They work great.  Inside this bag was 6 bags and a free pump.

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