
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Copper Chef

I saw the commercial for this pan and thought to myself wow what a cool pan. I ignored it as i do with most infomercials. After a couple of months I checked my local Kohls and they had the pan on sale. I had a gift card and thought why not. They did not have this pan in stock in the store so i had to order it online. It took a week to get. Once i got it I was so excited. My husband and I both read the book it comes with.

After the first 3 times using this pan i was so happy. The 4th time was a giant nightmare. Food stuck to the pan and it had stains that i could not get to come clean with a sponge. I then went back to the manual and it says to do a 1/2 inch of water and non-lemon soap and bring to a boil. So that is what i did. I then waited for the pan to cool to try to get it to come clean. Nope guess what did not come clean. I was so upset i mean really a $70 pan should not be having issues like this the 4th time being used. I also noticed the bottom of the pan was turning brown. I could care less about the bottom but my main concern was the staining. I let this pan soak over night and scrubbed it in the morning with the sponge. I finally got it to come clean. I must also state i hand wash this pan each time and dry with a soft cloth after each use.  Now to this day of writing this review everything sticks to this pan and leaves a dark nasty residue. That will not come clean. I am so upset in this pan. I tried to reach out to the company but i got no where. So note to self if it looks to good on tv trust your gut and don't waste your money. I would not recommend this pan to anyone i know. Below is photos of the pan the day i got it  we made a giant apple pie. and today after my husband tried to use the pan. You can see in the last photo how it leaves dark marks and food stuck.

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